Just back from another awesome cancer survivor celebration event in Sylvania, OH, where I was the keynote speaker and performer. It was so much fun!
Again, the planning committee did a fantastic job with available resources. The event was held in a small hospital auditorium, and we managed to squeeze everyone in (great turnout for the event!). Simple, tasty food before the show, and dessert afterward.
During the show, a cool thing happened: an unexpected moment! There were several children in attendance, and at one point in the show, this cuuuute 4-yr-old boy ran across the front of the stage, headed back to his seat. This kind of interruption is actually really fun for me, because I get to improvise and make a joke to acknowledge the ‘interruption’. I try to keep every moment entertaining! So we all had a good laugh.
We love you, Sylvania! Can’t wait to see you again!