Where can a person find meaningful, real greeting cards to send to someone going through cancer???
There’s a line in my play “Jonna’s Body, Please Hold” where I make fun of those horrible greeting cards – the ones with a picture of a kitten clinging for life:
“Hang in there, Baby!”
So NOT an inspiring card.
In contrast, at a recent performance I met Paul Storm, owner of Luap Ink. They make a line of wonderful greeting cards that are WARM and REAL. No forced sunniness, but real, loving sentiments for people going through real challenges.
Cards like this one:
Inside it says:
I am so sorry this is happening
to you and your family.
I want to help
you get through this
any way I possibly can.
When I say that,
I sincerely mean it.
Or this one:
And inside it says:
These are
my birthday wishes
for you.
Happy Birthday!
Or even this one:
Which says inside,
I am thankful
that at least
we had a chance
to say good bye.
Wow, that’s heavy stuff, but so very honest. I appreciate that.
Anyhoodles, you can check out Luap’s entire selection, and buy cards online at: www.luapink.com
With great love,