I’m so proud to once again be part of these excellent Healing Journeys mini-conferences: July 29, 2016, in Seattle, Washington. And September 23, 2016, in Los Altos, California.
I love Healing Journey’s mission! “To educate, inspire, connect, and celebrate all whose lives have been touched by cancer or any life-altering condition.” Jan Adrian, the organizer, always puts together a line-up of amazing and inspiring speakers and performers.
I’ll be performing “Jonna’s Body, Please Hold,” – the wild-ride show about my own trip with cancer. The audiences and I always have a crazy good time with that one. The other presenter of the Seattle evening is the awesome Dr. Michael Finkelstein. He is suuuuuch an inspiring/funny/moving speaker. He talks of ‘Slow Medicine’ – a beautiful concept of deep healing. My words here don’t do it justice. His speeches blew us all away.
Here are the deets:
Seattle: July, 29, 2016 7-9pm. Info at healingjourneys.org
Los Altos: September 23, 2016 7-9pm. Info at healingjourneys.org